Friday, December 20, 2013

Create Signature in Thunderbird

If you would like a signature to appear at the bottom of each email you send in Thunderbird, follow these easy steps.

To create a signature file for use with Thunderbird, follow the directions below.
  1. In Thunderbird, create a new message by clicking on Write button.
  2. Type your signature.
  3. When you are done, save the message using the save pull down menu arrow (choose save file, name file sig13 or something you’ll remember and save to documents folder). Ex 1
  4. Click Options > Account Settings...  Ex 2
  5. Put a check mark in the box labeled Attach this signature:. Ex 3
  6. Click Choose... and browse to the signature file you created and saved in documents folder.
  7. Click Open.
  8. Click OK.
Your signature will be added to emails you send using Thunderbird.

Ex 1
Ex 2
Ex 3

Thursday, December 5, 2013

New NeSA Test Tools

The NeSA tests are changing this year.  The Department of Education has given the testing contract to a new company, DRC Insight.  This shift makes all old NeSA training and software irrelevant.  We will all have to adjust to and learn the new system.
Part of the change includes software.  I am in the process of remotely installing the new NeSA software on most computers.  It should install the first time anyone logs in.  In most cases, I did not install on instructor workstations.  If you desire the software on your machine, let me know and I can add it.

The new icons look like this:

Removing the old software is the biggest challenge.  I have created a remote command that will remove the icons from the desktop (but only when an administrator logs in).  If you find that you need the old icons removed and do not know how, let me know.

The old icons look like this:
Happy testing!!!