Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Adding A Printer to Your PC

How to add a printer on the network to your PC:

1.  Open Devices and Printers.  On Windows 7 you can simply click on the Start Button in lower left and click on "Devices and Printers".  On Windows 8 and 10, you can start typing "Devices and Printers" in the search bar on the lower left to bring it up and click on it.

Windows 7

Windows 8 and 10

2. In "Devices and Printers", click on Add Printer at top left.

3.  A new window with a list of printers will appear, choose the printer you wish to add and click on it. (If the printer ou wish to add is not there, click on The Printer I Want Isn't Listed, then click on Find A Printer In The Directory and add printer you want.)

4.  That's it.  It might ask if you want to load the driver, say yes.  Printer added!

*To make a printer your default printer, right click on it in "Devices and Printers" and choose Make Default Printer.